
BC Bestsellers

For the week ending January 11, 2024

  1. Whitewater Cooks The Food We Love
    by Shelley Adams, Conner Adams (published by Alicon Holdings Ltd)
  2. Untold Tales of Old British Columbia
    by Daniel Marshall (published by Ronsdale Press)
  3. The Curve of Time: New, Expanded Edition
    by M. Wylie Blanchet (published by Harbour Publishing)
  4. Never Boring: The Up and Down History of the Vancouver Canucks
    by Ed Willes (published by Harbour Publishing)
  5. The Animal People Choose a Leader
    by Richard Wagamese, illustrated by Bridget George (published by Douglas & McIntyre)
  6. Beneath the Surface of Things: New and Selected Essays
    by Wade Davis (published by Greystone Books)
  7. Raincoast Chronicles Fifth Five
    by Rick James, Judith Williams, Jean Barman & David R. Conn (published by Harbour Publishing)
  8. Points of Interest: In Search of the Places, People, and Stories of BC
    by David Beers & andrea bennett (published by Greystone Books)
  9. The Hidden Life of Trees: A Graphic Adaptation
    by Peter Wohlleben and Fred Bernard, illustrated by Benjamin Flao (published by Greystone Books)
  10. Slumach’s Gold: In Search of a Legend—and a Curse
    by Brian Antonson, Mary Trainer & Rick Antonson (published by Heritage House Publishing)
  11. The Last Logging Show: A Forestry Family at the End of an Era
    by Aaron Williams (published by Harbour Publishing)
  12. Just Say Yes
    by Bob McDonald (published by Douglas & McIntyre)
  13. Curve! Women Carvers on the Northwest Coast
    by Dana Claxton & Curtis Collins (published by Figure 1 Publishing)
  14. A Perfect Day for a Walk: The History, Cultures, and Communities of Vancouver, on Foot
    by Bill Arnott (published by Arsenal Pulp Press)
  15. This and That: The Lost Stories of Emily Carr; Revised and Updated
    by Emily Carr, edited by Ann-Lee Switzer (published by TouchWood Editions)