
BC Bestsellers

For the week ending December 7, 2024

Our weekly BC Bestseller list highlights the titles of independent, BC-owned publishers sold in independent BC bookstores.

  1. Whitewater Cooks The Food We Love
    by Shelley Adams, Conner Adams
  2. Untold Tales of Old British Columbia
    by Daniel Marshall
  3. Never Boring: The Up and Down History of the Vancouver Canucks
    by Ed Willes
  4. Slumach’s Gold: In Search of a Legend—and a Curse
    by Brian Antonson, Mary Trainer & Rick Antonson
  5. The Animal People Choose a Leader
    by Richard Wagamese, illustrated by Bridget George
  6. The Curve of Time: New, Expanded Edition
    by M. Wylie Blanchet
  7. The Hidden Life of Trees: A Graphic Adaptation
    by Peter Wohlleben and Fred Bernard, illustrated by Benjamin Flao
  8. Beneath the Surface of Things: New and Selected Essays
    by Wade Davis
  9. Raven Gets Tricked
    by Andrea Fritz
  10. Just Say Yes
    by Bob McDonald
  11. A Perfect Day for a Walk: The History, Cultures, and Communities of Vancouver, on Foot
    by Bill Arnott
  12. Gumboots in the Straits: Nautical Adventures from Sointula to the Salish Sea
    by Lou Allison, with Jane Wilde
  13. The Last Logging Show: A Forestry Family at the End of an Era
    by Aaron Williams
  14. 300 Mason Jars: Preserving History
    by Joanne Thomson
  15. Adventures in Desolation Sound
    by Grant Lawrence, illustrated by Ginger Ngo