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Books for World Refugee Day

Featured • June 22, 2021 • Ryann Anderson

This past Sunday, June 20, we commemorated World Refugee Day! To celebrate and welcome all the refugees who make their home in Canada, we’ve put together a reading list of BC published books in honour of this year’s theme: Together we heal, learn and shine.

Cover of The Mysterious Stones

The Mysterious Stones by Enrique Perez Diaz (Tradewind Books)

Kiki, a young boy in Cuba, has been living with his uncle and grandmother ever since his father sailed off in search of a new life. One night, Kiki dreams about a ghost-like woman in white. When he sees her again at a nearby beach—the same beach his father sailed off from—she gives him newfound hope that he will one day be reunited with his father.

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Cover of Maison Rouge

Maison Rouge: Memories of a Childhood in War by Liliane Leila Juma (Tradewind Books)

A heartbreaking, inspirational memoir written by Liliane Leila Juma, who was just 16 years old when her family home in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was destroyed by rebel soldiers. Though their journey includes war and terrible loss, Leila and her family were eventually able to relocate to Canada with the help of the United Nations refugee program.

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Cover of Ghost's Journey

Ghost’s Journey: A Refugee Story by Robin Stevenson (Rebel Mountain Press)

Told from the perspective of Ghost, a cat living in Indonesia with her two fathers, this book by Robin Stevenson is based on the true story of Eka, Rainer, and their cat, Ghost, who were forced to flee Indonesia when it become two dangerous for the LGBTQ2+ community. The trio must leave their home in search of freedom in Canada.

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Cover of Crossing Law's Border

Crossing Law’s Border: Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program by Shauna Labman (UBC Press)

Canada is one of three leading resettlement countries in the world—a process countries undergo on a voluntary and ad hoc basis. Shauna Labman’s book is a powerful account of Canada’s resettlement program from the Indochinese crisis of the 1970s through to the Syrian crisis of the 2010s, exploring how rights, responsibilities, and obligations intersect in the absence of a legal scheme for refugee resettlement.

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Cover of North of El Norte

North of El Norte: Illegalized Mexican Migrants in Canada by Paloma E. Villegas (UBC Press)
North of El Norte provides an important counterpoint to the conversation about immigration between Mexico and the United States by examining a lesser-known migration route: that taken by contemporary Mexican migrants to Canada. The book draws on interviews, policy documents, media descriptions, and literature from local social service organizations.

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Cover of The Capybaras

The Capybaras by Alfredo Soderguit (Greystone Books)

Perfect for children ages 4-8, this charming story reminds us about the importance of caring for each other and accepting one-another, no matter our differences. The hilarious picture book includes whimsical, colourful illustrations by the author, Alfredo Soderguit.

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Cover of Man at the Airport

Man at the Airport: How Social Media Saved My Life (One Syrian’s Story) by Hassan Al Kontar (Tidewater Press)

The true story of Hassan Al Kontar, a young Syrian living and working in the UAE. When revolution and war broke out, Al Kontar refused to return to Syria for compulsory military service and lived illegally before being deported to Malaysia in 2017. After he was unable to obtain a visa for any other country, he became trapped in the Kuala Lumpur Airport, armed with only social media and his sense of humour.

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Cover of Finding Home

Finding Home: The Journey of Immigrants and Refugees by Jen Sookfong Lee (Orca Book Publishers)

This charming picture book introduces children to the concept of immigration in a way that is accessible. Perfect for readers ages 9-12, the book explores the origins of immigration, the current issues facing immigrants and refugees today, and even shares first-hand stories of people who have moved across the globe looking for new homes.

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Cover of Travesia

Travesia: A Migrant Girl’s Cross-Border Journey//El viaje de una joven migrante by Michelle Gerster, illustrated by Fiona Dunnett (Arsenal Pulp Press)

This bilingual graphic novel includes stunning illustrations by Fiona Dunnett to depict the story of a young girl’s journey across the Mexico-US border, perfect for ages 12 and up or any readers of YA. The publisher, Arsenal Pulp Press, is donating royalties from the sale of this book to Centro Legal de la Raza, a legal services agency protecting and advancing the rights of low-income, immigrant, Black, and Latinx communities through bilingual legal representation, education, and advocacy.

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Cover of Your Heart is the Size of Your First

Your Heart is the Size of Your Fist by Martina Scholtens (TouchWood Editions)

Your Heart is the Size of Your First offers readers insight into what goes on in a busy urban medical clinic for refugees. Dr. Scholtens is an MD, MPH, and CCFP who worked for ten years as a family physician at Bridge Refugee Clinic in Vancouver. In this book, she shares the true, inspirational story of her experience at the clinic.

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Cover of Somewhere

Somewhere: Stories of Migration by Women from Around the World edited by Lorna Jane Harvey (TouchWood Editions)

This collection is written from the perspective of twenty different women, each with a unique and personal connection to migration. The collection is hopeful, honest, and heartfelt, and will remind readers of the journey that women and families take in search of a new home.

Cover of Anywhere but Here

Anywhere but Here by Carmen Aguirre (Talonbooks)

This play by Carmen Aguirre plays with the audience’s expectations of time and space, using dark comedy and magical realism to depict the experience of immigration, particularly across the Mexico-US border.