It’s time to break out your rainbows and celebrate—Pride Month is here again! Whether you’re out and proud, cheering from the sidelines as an ally, or living anywhere in between, Pride Month is the time to reaffirm the value and wonderful diversity of the LGBTQ2+ community. As part of our celebration, we’ve compiled a list of LGBTQ2+ friendly books from BC publishers and authors, curated for all ages and interests, so that our readers can celebrate Pride along with us.

For the kids
Explore themes of inclusion and diversity with these nuanced, kid-friendly books that introduce children to the celebration of Pride, gender diversity and more.
Ages 3–5: Pride Puppy! by Robin Stevenson (Orca Book Publishers)

Ages 6–8: Riley Can’t Stop Crying by Stéphanie Boulay (Orca Book Publishers)

Age 10: Growing Up Trans: In Our Own Words edited by Dr. Lindsay Herriot, Kate Fry (Orca Book Publishers)

Ages 9–12: Pride: The Celebration and the Struggle by Robin Stevenson (Orca Book Publishers)

For the young adults
Diving into stories of struggle, acceptance and resistance, these young adult titles address some of the biggest issues facing LGBTQ2+ youth today and provide an often much-needed reassurance that they are not alone.
Green Glass Ghosts by Rae Spoon (Arsenal Pulp Press)

Am I Safe Here?: LGBTQ Teens and Bullying in Schools By Donn Short (UBC Press)

Our Work Is Everywhere: An Illustrated Oral History of Queer and Trans Resistance by Syan Rose (Arsenal Pulp Press)

For the essayists
Sometimes what’s needed is a deep dive into a short essay. Pulling from a range of topics and diverse voices, these essays explore intersecting LGBTQ2+ experiences and provide pivotal dissections and critiques of mainstream culture.
Radiant Voices: 21 Feminist Essays for Rising Up Inspired by EMMA Talks compiled by Carla Bergman (TouchWood Editions)

Breaking Boundaries: LGBTQ2 Writers on Coming Out and Into Canada edited by Lori Shywdky (Rebel Mountain Press)

A Family by Any Other Name: Exploring Queer Relationships edited by Bruce Gillespie (TouchWood Editions)

For lovers of memoir
Nothing beats a good life story to understand the nuances of different lived experiences. These Memoirs unpack the sometimes difficult, sometimes triumphant journey of self discovery within queer and trans identities.
Out of the Woods: Nature, Sexuality, and Faith in the Forest by Luke Turner (Greystone Books)

This One Looks Like a Boy: My Gender Journey to Life as a Man by Lorimer Shenher (Greystone Books)

Small Courage: A Queer Memoir of Finding Love and Conceiving Family by Jane Byers (Caitlin Press & Dagger Editions)

For the arts crowd
From theatre to poetry to lovely prose fiction, LGBTQ2+ stories abound in the arts. Why not try one of these reads this month and dip into the beauty, the glamour and the pathos of LGBTQ2+ arts?
How to Fail as a Popstar by Vivek Shraya (Arsenal Pulp Press)

it was never going to be okay by jaye simpson (Nightwood Editions)

The Fifth: A Love(s) Story by MP Boisvert (Caitlin Press & Dagger Editions)