Happy National Poetry Month 2020! This year’s theme is “Celebrate a World of Poetry.” In these uncertain times, we’re turning to poetry more than ever for connection, inspiration, and comfort.
We’ll be sharing a special interview series conducted by Rob Taylor every Tuesday and Thursday all month long: look for the first interview tomorrow! We’ll also be bringing you poems and excerpts from the Poetry in Transit archives. Psst – Poetry in Transit is now accepting submissions for 2020/21!
First up, a poem featured in Poetry in Transit 2005/06 that will inspire you to take a second look at household objects that may have grown especially familiar in the last few weeks.
“Life, Having Become Still” by Brenda Brooks
Pottery cup, broken handle,
lamp and wooden angel.
Bead of resin on leather thong,
window ledge, piece of amber.
Chamois pouch with pearl inside,
three almonds in a paper bag.
Bit of lava from cold volcano,
bed, sleep, long black candle.
Pencil shavings wrapped in a letter,
Pottery cup, broken handle.
Reprinted with permission from Blue Light in the Dash by Brenda Brooks (Polestar, an imprint of Raincoast Books, 2000)